To be updated, but as a brief introduction I've been acting as a professional advisor to social enterprises of one form or another since 1998. You name a type of social enterprise and I've probably advised, worked in, volunteered for or trained someone from that type. I'm not a newcomer who has jumped on the bandwagon. I am a committed activist from within the movement that has now come to be known as "social enterprise".
Currently I am managing two programmes of Social Enterprise support for BAMER-led (BAMER: Black Asian Minority Ethnic and Refugee) existing and start-up social enterprises - approximately 65 in all - for Olmec in London.
During that time I have worked as a freelancer and also as an employee of Co-operative Assistance Network Limited (Worker Co-operative and Social Enterprise Development Body, I was a Director), RISE (a Community Development Trust where I worked on a Personalisation and Social Enterprise project) and Southampton Area Co-operative Development Agency.
I have delivered one-to-one support, advice and training to hundreds of social enterprises (although back in the day they were usually called co-ops!) and individuals wishing to establish them.
I have been a member of a Housing Co-operative (also RSL, I was Treasurer among other posts), Credit Union (Secretary at the point of founding), several food co-ops and several music collectives - and years before I ran a micro- social enterprise distributing music and underground press titles to generate profits to support campaign and activism organisations.
The one thing that underlines everything I do is a belief that ordinary people are capable of setting up and managing their own organisations and that professionalisation of OUR sector should mean enhancing people's understanding and capacity and not excluding people who don't have the right piece of paper, or wear the right clothes to impress the mainstream.
I am busy right now with the day job but as and when I am available for hire, I'll be letting you know. And then I also do a bit of photography.....
Hi Nathan, I'm an architectural designer who loves to work with community projects. feel free to get in touch. Zean Macfarlane